Best Paper Award

Submitted by ajw1 on Thu, 2016-08-11 14:16

In Spring 2016, a team of judges consisting of Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, and Acta Biomaterialia editors has awarded Dr. Christopher J. Marvel, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA.  Advisor:  Prof. Martin P. Harmer with a  "best paper" award from 2015. The paper is entitled,  “The critical influence of carbon on the thermal stability of nanocrystalline Ni–W alloys,” Scripta Materialia, 96 (2015), 45-48,. Congratulations to Chris!

Shared files for Modeling

Submitted by ajw1 on Thu, 2012-05-17 10:31

In order to post files for use and discussion with regard to modeling, please:

1) choose the edit tab above

2) add text for your link title in the body section below, see "test text file" example

3) create hyperlink to your file by using link option located in tool bar directly above

4) Browse server, upload and insert file

5) Set "Target" to open in new window

4) Save changes by scrolling to bottom of this page and selecting, "Save."

If you have any difficulty, please email Andrea at

Uploading June 8th 2012 Review Meeting slides

Submitted by ajw1 on Sat, 2011-12-17 09:27

Please post June 8th, 2012 Review Meeting slides under Review Meetings link in right nav bar under June 8th, saved as ppt or pptx.

PostingIf you have any difficulty, please send me the file and I will upload it for you.  Thanks, Andrea
