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Submitted by admin on Wed, 2011-05-25 13:13
  • Using an optical manipulator, MURI researchers have manipulated a FIB sample of Ni-Bi being placed over a hole on the Protochips hot stage holder.  It is positioned so that the grain boundary is over the hole and was performed with the new optical manipulator at Lehigh University. Project Director, Martin Harmer says, "Its a cool movie - kind'a like our first landing on the moon!"
  • MURI researchers are collaborating and developing two new undergraduate/graduate courses for Fall 2013. Patrick Cantwell is creating a course on Interfaces (with guest lecturer, Shen Dillon), and Jeff Rickman is creating a Modeling and Simulation (with guest lecturer, Mike Widom).
  • MURI researchers land a big one! (click to read full story)
  • Lehigh University ceramics researchers shed light on metal embrittlement
  • For the past two years, Martin Harmer, director of Lehigh’s Center for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, has been leading a team of scientists from Lehigh, Carnegie-Mellon, Clemson, Illinois and Kutztown universities to determine how the atomic structure of grain-boundary interphases—interphase complexions—affect the mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of a wide range of strategic engineering materials. The project received $7.5 million in funding through the Department of Defense’s Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative program and was one of only 27 projects chosen for funding from 113 proposals submitted.