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MURI Presentations


Supported by the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-11-1-0678

 2014 (listed chronologically from most current)

MS&T 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2014:

Patrick R. Cantwell, Shuailei Ma, Stephanie Bojarski, Gregory S Rohrer, Martin P Harmer, "An Alternative Mechanism for Two-step Sintering." MS & T, October 2014

Zhiyang Yu, Onthida Kosasang , Animesh Kundu, Martin Harmer, Richard Vinci. "Electron Microscopy Characterization of Europium Segregation in Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Grain Boundaries," MS & T, October 2014

Martin Harmer, Andrea Harmer, Patrick Cantwell, Helen Chan, Shen Dillon, Animesh Kundu, Jian Luo, Jeffrey Rickman, Anthony Rollett, Michael Widom, Gregory Rohrer, Zhiyang Yu. "Grain Boundary Complexions – Open Questions and Future Opportunities," MS & T, October 2014

Onthida Kosasang, Zhiyang Yu, Animesh Kundu, Martin P. Harmer, Richard P. Vinci."Grain Boundary Energy and Complexions in Europium-doped Magnesium Aluminate Spinel," MS & T, October 2014

Mahyar M Moghadam, Jeffrey M. Rickman, Helen M Chan, Martin P. Harmer. "Impact of Interface Variability on Grain Boundary Diffusion in Polycrystalline Structures," MS & T, October 2014

Nathalie Bozzolo, Marc Bernacki, Yuan Jin, Brian Lin, Gregory S. Rohrer, Anthony D. Rollett. "Increasing Twin Density in Polycrystalline Nickel and Nickel Alloys by Thermomechanical Processing from the Perspective of Grain Boundary Engineering," MS & T, October 2014

Brian K Lin, Yuan Jin, Marc Bernacki, Nathalie Bozzolo, Chris M. Hefferan, Robert Suter, Anthony D. Rollett, Gregory S. Rohrer," Investigating the Formation of Annealing Twins during Grain Growth in Nickel," MS & T, October 2014

Denise Yin, Zhiyang Yu, Yuanyao Zhang, Jian Luo, Martin P. Harmer. "Macroscopic and Atomic-scale Faceting in Bismuth-doped Nickel Grain Boundaries," MS & T, October 2014

Yuanyao Zhang, Jian Luo. "Observation of an Unusual Case of Triple-line Wetting by a Vapor Phase," MS & T, October 2014

Christopher Marvel, Martin Harmer, Patrick Cantwell. "On the Mechanism of Grain Size Stabilization in Nanocrystalline NiW Alloys," MS & T, October 2014

Julia Wittkamper, Prateek Mehta, John R. Kitchin, Gregory S. Rohrer, Paul A. Salvador. "Predicting and Fabricating Epitaxially (Interfacially) Stabilized Materials in the BO2 Family," MS & T, October 2014

Gregory S. Rohrer, Paul Salvador. "Preferred Epitaxial Orientations for Oxide Thin Films," MS & T, October 2014

Shen J Dillon. "Probing Trends in Grain Boundary Thermodynamics through Diffusivity Measurements," MS & T, October 2014

Charles Compson, Joe Atria, Marcel Spreij, Abigail K. Lawrence, Animesh Kundu, Martin Harmer, Eric Weiss. "Quantitative Analysis of Microstructural Development and Impurity Interactions in Commercial Grade Aluminas," MS & T, October 2014

C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, D. Menasche, U. Lienert, A.D. Rollett, R.M. Suter, R. Pokharel. "Spatially Resolved Critical Events in Bulk Microstructures," MS & T, October 2014

Naixie Zhou, Jian Luo. "Systematics of Grain Boundary Complexion Transitions and Complexion Diagrams," MS & T, October 2014

Hossein Beladi, Gregory S. Rohrer, Anthony Rollett, Vahid Tari, Peter D. Hodgson. "The Influence of Phase Transformation Path on Grain Boundary Character Distribution," MS & T, October 2014


H.M.Chan, M.P.Harmer, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2013: Reconstruction of Alumina Grain boundary Structure at Atomic Scale by Aberration-Corrected HAADF-STEM: Z.Yu, Q.Wu, J.M.Rickman, , August 4-8, 2013

Luo, “Development of Complexion Diagrams as an Interfacial Analogue to Bulk Phase Diagrams: from Surfaces to Grain Boundaries and from Metals to Ceramics,” Gordon Research Conference, Solid-Studies of Ceramics, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA, July 21-25, 2014 (Invited Lecture)

N. Zhou and J. Luo, “Systematics of Grain Boundary Complexion Transitions and Diagrams,” a poster presentation, Gordon Research Conference, Solid-Studies of Ceramics, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA, July 21-25, 2014

Rollett & Rohrer, “Investigation of Propagation Mechanisms for Intergranular Complexion Transitions and Abnormal Grain Growth by Monte Carlo Modeling”, William Frazier, Conf. on 3D Materials Science, Annecy, France, July 2014.

PICS3 Annual Meeting, CINaM, campus de Luminy, Marseille, France, 05/29/14. “New Experiments and New Ideas about Orientation Relationships for Oxide Thin Films.” May, 2014

Rohrer, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, 05/15/14, “Current Trends in Research on Grain Boundaries in Metals and Ceramics.”

Rohrer, Shanghai University, Institute of Materials, 05/12/14, “Current Trends in Research on Grain Boundaries in Metals and Ceramics.” Series of three lectures

Rohrer, Workshop on Microstructural Functionality: Dynamics, Adaption, and Self-Healing at the Nanoscale, Duisburg, Germany, 04/28/14, “Grain boundary energies, structural transitions, and their influence on microstructure.”

Rohrer, TMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Diego, CA, 02/18/14, “Grain Boundary Data as a Big Data Problem.”

J. Luo and N. Zhou, “Extending Bulk CALPHAD Methods to Interfaces and Nanomaterials to Help Decipher the ‘Materials Genome’,” 2014 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, California, February 17-20, 2014 (Invited Talk)

N. Zhou, Y. Zhang and J. Luo, “Developing Nanoalloy Stability Diagrams to Guide the Sintering of Binary Nanocrystalline Alloys,” 2014 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, California, February 17-20, 2014

Y. Zhang, D. Yin, Z. Yu, M. P. Harmer and J. Luo, “The Unusual Effects of Bismuth Segregation on Nickel Grain Growth,” 2014 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, California, February 17-20, 2014

N. Zhou and J. Luo, “Developing Stability Diagrams for Interfaces and Nanostructured Materials in Support of the “Materials Genome” Project “ an oral presentation at the 38th  International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, Florida, January 27, 2014 (Invited Talk)

Description: N. Zhou, Y. Zhang and J. Luo, “Extending CALPHAD Methods to Model Grain Boundaries and Nanocrystalline Materials,” an oral presentation at the Electronic Materials & Application 2014, Orlando, January 23, 2014 (Invited Talk)
Date: January, 2014

2013  (listed chronologically from most current) 

Rohrer, THERMEC 2013, Las Vegas, NV, 12/02/13, “Grain boundary energies, structural transitions, and their influence on microstructure."

Bojarski, THERMEC 2013, Las Vegas, NV, 12/02/13, "Grain Boundary Character, Energy, and Time Dependence of Complexion Transitions in Y-Doped Aluminas."

Widom, First principles prediction of phase stability, CECAM Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland (invited talk) Nov. 4, 2013

Rohrer, University of California at Davis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Davis, CA, 10/08/13. “Grain Boundary Energies, Structural Transitions, and their Influence on Microstructure.”

Harmer, M.P. Grain Boundary Complexions - My Foray into Metallurgy, Ohio State University, October 17-23, 2013

MS&T 2013, Montreal, October 2013:

J. Luo, “Grain Boundary Diagrams: From Predicting Activated Sintering to Developing a Useful Component for the ‘Materials Genome’ Project,” Materials Science & Technology 2013 (MS&T 2013), Symposium: Sintering and Related Powder Processing Science & Technologies, October 27-31, Montreal, Canada (Invited Talk)

Harmer, Q. Wu, Z. Yu, H.M.Chan, J.M.Rickman. MS&T 2013: Effect of Hafnium on Oxidation Resistance and Scale Formation in Alumina: October 28, 2013

Harmer, MS&T 2013: Grain Growth, Microstructure Development and Grain Boundary Complexions in Rare-Earth Doped Magnesium
Date: October, 2013

O.Kosasang, A.Kundu, R.Vinci, M.Harmer, MS&T 2013: Aluminate Spinel: , October 28, 2013

A.Lawrence, A.Kundu, M.Harmer, MS&T 2013: On the Formation and stability of Metal-like Grain Boundary Complexions in Cu/Ti Doped Alumina:  October 29, 2013

C.Compson M.Spreij, E.Koep, A.Lawrence, A.Kundu, M.Harmer, E.Weiss, MS&T 2013: The Effect of Impurities and Impurity Ratios on Grain Boundary Complexion Transitions in Sintered specialty Alumina Ceramics, October 29, 2013
Date: October, 2013

M.P.Harmer, A.Kundu, Y.Zhang, N.Zhou, Q.Gao, M.Widom, J.Luo, MS&T 2013: Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Grain Boundary Complexions in Cu-Bi Alloys.  October 29, 2013

Q.Wu, Z.Yu, H.M.Chan, J.M.Rickman, M.P.Harmer, MS&T 2013: The Effect of Grain Boundary Structure on Oxygen Grain Boundary Transport in Hafnium -doped Alumina: , October 30, 2013

M.Kracum, Z.Yu, A.Kundu, H.Chan, M.Harmer, MS&T 2013: Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure on Microstructure of Al203-CuAl02 Ceramics:  October 30, 2013

Rohrer &  Rollett, “Investigation of Propagation Mechanisms for Intergranular Complexion Transitions and Abnormal Grain Growth by Monte Carlo Modeling”, William Frazier, MS&T Meeting, Montreal, Canada, October 2013.

Bojarski, MS&T 2013, Montreal, Canada, 10/30/13, "Grain Boundary Character and Energy Dependence of Complexion Transitions in Doped Aluminas."


Luo, “Understanding Interfacial ‘Phase’ Behaviors to Help Deciphering the ‘Materials Genome’,” invited seminar at Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, September 4, 2013

Luo, “Understanding Interfacial ‘Phase’ Behaviors to Help Deciphering the ‘Materials Genome’,” invited seminar at Shanghai Jiaotong University, September 3, 2013

Gao, Q., R. Feenstra and M. Widom (Poster, Aug. 2013): “First principles theory of f
low energy electron reflectivity”, Density Functional Theory and Beyond
Workshop, Trieste, Italy, August, 2013

Luo, Understanding Interfacial ‘Phase’ Behaviors to Help Deciphering the ‘Materials Genome’,” invited seminar at North China Electric Power University, August 30, 2013

Luo, “Understanding Interfacial ‘Phase’ Behaviors to Help Deciphering the ‘Materials Genome’,” invited seminar at Forum of Materials Science, Tsinghua University, August 28, 2013

Luo, Huang and M. Samiee, “Nanoscale Interfacial Films in Battery and Ionic
Materials,” The 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials
and Processing (PRICM-8), Symposium A: Materials for Energy, Waikoloa, Hawaii,
 August 6, 2013

Harmer, Summary of MURI program to representatives of the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering in DC (OSR), including  director for Basic Research Dr. Robin Staffin, July 2013.

Harmer, Annual Navy Cellular and Propulsion Materials Program Review, Montana, June 2013.

Luo, “Evaluation of Grain Growth in Ni-W and Ni-Bi Alloys,” an oral
presentation, The 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass
Technology, June -7, 2013

Dillon, 5th International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Entropy and Enthalpy Effects on the Diffusivity of Different Grain Boundary Complexions, Sydney Australia, May 2013

Rohrer, 5th International Conference on Recrystallization & Grain Growth, Sydney, Australia, 05/06/13. "Grain boundary energies, grain boundary complexion transitions, and grain growth,"
 May 2013

Rohrer, PICS3 Annual Meeting, CINaM, campus de Luminy, Marseille, France, 05/30/13. "Experimental evidence that complexion transitions in alumina nucleate at high energy grain boundaries," May 2013

Rohrer, Deakin University, Institute for Frontier Materials, Geelong, Australia, 05/13/13. "Grain Boundary Energies and Isomorphic Distributions in FCC and BCC materials,"
 May 2013

Rollett, 5th International Conference on Recrystallization & Grain Growth: "Discriminating formation mechanisms of intergranular complexion transitions", Sydney, Australia, May 2013

Rollett, PICS3 Annual Meeting: “Late-Stage Abnormal Grain Growth in Nanocrystalline Nickel”, CINaM, campus de Luminy, Marseille, France, May 2013

Rollett, Pacific Rim Conference on Materials (PRICM): “Advances in Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure: Emphasis = 3D Aspects”, Hawaii, August 2013

Luo, “Understanding Interfacial Phase Behaviors to Help Deciphering the “Materials Genome,” Seminars in Mechanics and Materials, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC San Diego, April 29, 2013

Rohrer, MACAN Capstone Conference, Haifa, Israel, 4/21/13, "The Relationship between Grain Boundary Energy Anisotropy and Grain Boundary Complexion Transitions," April, 2013.

Frazier,, Anthony Rollett and Greg Rohrer, Advisors, TMS Conference, 2013, San Antonio, TX, 3/5/13,” Investigation of Nucleation Mechanisms for Intergranular Complexion Transitions and Abnormal Grain Growth by Monte Carlo Modeling.”

Gao, Q. and M. Widom (March 2013): “First principles study of Bismuth growth on the
Nickel (111) surface”, American Physics Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD,

 March, 2013

Rohrer, The Materials Genome Initiative in Ceramics, Geosciences, and Solid-State
Chemistry, 2013, Arlington, VA, 02/22/13. "High Throughput Analysis of Interface Complexions,"
 Feb. 2013

Dillon, Electronic Materials and Applications, American Ceramic Society, Orientation Dependence of Grain Boundary Thermal Conductance in Alumina, Orlando, Fl, Jan. 2013

Luo, “Grain Boundary Complexion Diagrams: An Interfacial Counterpart of Bulk Phase Diagrams,” an oral presentation at the Electronic Materials & Application 2013, Orlando, January 23-25, 2013


Rohrer, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China, 12/07/12. “Grain Boundary Energies and Their Impact on Grain Boundary Populations and Structural Transitions.”

Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek 
(for full Bear Creek presentations, see link to Bear Creek Workshop on right hand navigation):

Bojarski, Bear Creek Conference on Interfaces (poster), Macungie, PA, “Grain Boundary Character and Energy Dependence of Complexion Transitions in Ca-doped Alumina”, Oct. 2-5, 2012

Cao, W., A.

Kundu, M. McLean, H. Nied, M. P. Harmer and R. P. Vinci, "In-Situ Micro-Scale Mechanical Studies of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel," Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, Oct. 2012

Gao, Q. and M. Widom (Poster, Oct. 2012). “First principles study of Bismuth growth
on the Nickel (111) surface”, International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, USA, Oct. 2012

Harmer, M. P., "Perspective on Scientific Developments in Grain Boundary Complexions," Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, Oct. 2012

Lawrence, A. and M. P. Harmer, "Metal Complexionized Ceramics: Copper and Titanium Doped Alumina," Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, Oct. 2012

Luo, J., S. Dillon et al. A. Kundu, Z. Yu, H. Cheng, and M. P. Harmer, Q. Gao and M. Widom, “Grain Boundary Adsorption (Complexion) Transitions and Their Effects on Grain Boundary Embrittlement and Transport Kinetics,” oral presentation at International Workshop on Interfaces, Bear Creek, PA, October, 2012

Ma, S.P. Cantwell, M. Oxley, N. Zhou, T. Pennycook, D. Leonard, S. Pennycook, J. Luo

and M. P. Harmer, "Grain Boundary Complexion Transitions in WO3- and CuO-doped TiO2 Bicrystals, "Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, Oct. 2012

Rohrer, Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, 10/03/12. "The relationship between grain boundary energy and GB complexion transitions,"Oct. 2012

Wu, Q., Z.

Yu, H. M. Chan, J. M. Rickman and M. P. Harmer

, "The Effect of Hafnium on Oxygen Grain-Boundary Transport in Alumina," Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, Oct. 2012

Yin, D.,  M. P. Harmer and E. Webb, "Atomistic Modeling of Ni-Bi," Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, Oct. 2012

Yu, Z., Q. Wu, H. Chan, J. Rickman and M. Harmer, "Atomic Resolution Imaging of Grain Boundaries in Hf-Doped Alumina," Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, Oct. 2012

Zhang, Y., N.Zhou, A. Kundu, J. Luo and M. P. Harmer, "Understanding Grain Boundary Complexion Formation and Stability in Ni-W, Ni-Bi, Cu-Bi and Fe-Bi," Third International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek, Macungie, PA, Oct. 2012 

Zhang, Y., N. Zhou, J. Luo, A. Kundu, Z. Yu, H. Cheng, and M. P. Harmer, Q. Gao and M. Widom “Understanding Grain Boundary Complexion Formation and Stability in Ni-W, Ni-Bi, Cu-Bi and Fe-Bi,” poster presentation at International Workshop on Interfaces, Bear Creek, PA, Oct, 2012

MS&T 2012, Pittsburg, PA, October 2012:

Bojarski, Materials Science and Technology 2012, Pittsburgh PA, 10/09/2012, "Changes in the grain boundary character distribution of Y and La-doped alumina," Oct. 2012

Bojarski, Materials Science and Technology 2012, Pittsburgh PA, 10/09/2012, "Changes in the grain boundary character and mean relative energy resulting form a complexion transition in Ca-Doped Yttria," Oct. 2012

Bojarski, Shuailei Ma

William Lenthe, Gregory Rohrer and Martin Harmer, "Changes in the Grain Boundary Character and Mean Relative Energy Resulting from a

Complexion Transition in Ca-Doped Alumina," Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 2012

Cao, Wanjun, Animesh Kundu, Mark McLean, Martin Harmer and Richard Vinci.

 "Correlations between Grain Boundary Fracture Behavior and Structure under Different Doping Conditions," Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 2012

Gao, Q. and M. Widom (Oct. 2012): “Phase separation and charge ordering in Titanomagnetite”, Material Science and Technology Conference (MST), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Oct. 2012

Gao, Qin. (Oct. 2012): “Quantum size effect in Pb (111) films”, Journal Club of Condensed Matter, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Date: October, 2012

Harmer, M. and P. Cantwell, "Sosman Memorial Award Symposium on Local Phenomena at Surfaces and Interfaces: Minding the Gap between Crystals: Improvements in our Understanding of Atomic-Scale Interphases Achieved through Advanced Electron Microscopy," Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 2012

Qu, Qian, 

Zhiyang Yu, Jeffrey Rickman, Helen Chan and Martin Harmer, "The Effect of Hafnium on Oxygen Grain-Boundary Transport in Alumina," Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 2012

Rollett, MS&T 2013: “Investigation of Nucleation Mechanisms for Intergranular Complexion Transitions and Abnormal Grain Growth by Monte Carlo Modeling”, Pittsburgh, Oct. 2012

Rollett, MS&T 2013: “Investigation of Nucleation Mechanisms for Intergranular Complexion Transitions and Abnormal Grain Growth by Monte Carlo Modeling”, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 2012

Yu, Zhiyang, Xin Fu, Steffan Lea, Jun Yuan, Martin Harmer and Jing Zhu, "Synthesis, Characterization and Growth Mechanism of Boron-Rich Low Dimensional Materials," Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 2012

Yu, Zhiyang, Qian Wu, Jeffrey Rickman, Helen Chan and Martin 

Harmer, "Atomic Resolution Imaging of Hf Segregation at Polycrystalline Alumina Grain

Boundaries," Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 2012


Rollett, Materials Science and Engineering 2012, Günter Gottstein Symposium: “A review of grain boundaries and triple junctions and their effect on microstructuralevolution”, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2012.

Rollett, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany: “A review of grain boundaries and triple junctions and their effect on microstructural evolution”, September 2012

Bojarski, Gordon Research Conference: Solid State Studies in Ceramics (poster), “Changes in the grain boundary character and relative grain boundary energy resulting from a complexion transition in Ca-doped Yttria”, Aug. 12 -17, 2012, Mount Holyoke, MA

Gao, Q. and M. Widom (June 2012): “First Principles study: Monolayer and multilayer structures of Bi on Ni”, 6th Simulator Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2012

Luo, J. “High-Temperature Interfacial Adsorption and Disordering”, an invited talk at the 7th International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity (HTC-2012), Eilat, Israel, March, 18-22, 2012

Luo, J., X. Shi, and N. Zhou, "Grain Boundary Diagrams: A New Materials Science Tool", an oral presentation at SYMPOSIUM: Solid-State Interfaces II:  Toward an Atomistic-Scale Understanding of Structure, Properties, and Behavior through Theory and Experiment, 2012 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, FL, USA, March, 2012

Rohrer, A*STAR, Institute for High Performance Computing, Singapore, 2/29/12, “Grain Boundary Energies and Their Impact on Grain Boundary Populations and Structural Transitions.”

Luo, J. " Grain Boundary “Phase” Diagrams -- A Useful Component for ‘Materials Genome’?" an oral presentation at the 36th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, Florida, January 29, 2012

Luo, J. "Modeling Grain Boundary Phase Behaviors", an oral presentation at the 36th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, Florida, January 22-27, 2012


Rohrer, Materials Science and Technology 2011, Columbus, OH, 10/20/11, “The Relationship between Grain Boundary Energies and Grain Boundary Complexion Transitions.”

Rohrer, Materials Science and Technology 2011, Columbus, OH, 10/19/11, “The Five Parameter Grain Boundary Energy Distribution.”

Rohrer, Materials Science and Technology 2011, Columbus, OH, 10/19/11, “Influence of Grain Boundary Energy on Microstructure Evolution.”

Rohrer, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 09/09/11, “Grain Boundary Energy Anisotropy and its Influence on Microstructure Evolution.”

Rohrer,,Microscopy and Microanalysis 2011, Nashville, TN, 08/10/11, “Measuring Grain Boundary Character Distributions from 3D EBSD Data.”