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Research Library, Informing the Investigation of Complexions

This page contains all research articles to date cited as important for informing the ongoing discussion and research of interphase complexions. This library will be updated as research and meetings progress. For all publications that have resulted from the research of this MURI program, please click on MURI Publications in the right hand menu.

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See also,  References in P.R.Cantwell, M.Tang, S.J.Dillon, J.Luo, G.S.Rohrer and M.P.Harmer, Grain Boundary Complexions,” Acta Materialia, 62 (2014), pages 44-48 (located under MURI Publications (secure)).


Informing the Study of Interphase Complexions

An Annotated Bibliography, last updated 9/03/15



Abramson, A. R., C. Tien, and A. Majumdar. 2002. Interface and strain effects on the thermal conductivity of heterostructures: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Heat Transfer 124 (5): 963-7.

Ackler, H. D., and Y. T. Chiang. 2005. Model experiment on thermodynamic stability of retained intergranular amorphous films. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 80 (7): 1893,1893-1896.

Akaiwa, N., and P. W. Voorhees. 1994. Late-stage phase separation: Dynamics, spatial correlations, and structure functions. Physical Review E 49 (5): 3860-20.

Alsayed, A. M., M. F. Islam, J. Zhang, P. J. Collings, and A. G. Yodh. 2005. Premelting at defects within bulk colloidal crystals. Science 309 : 1207-4.

Ardell, A. J. 2011. A1-L12 interfacial free energies from data on coarsening in five binary ni alloys, informed by thermodynamic phase diagram assessments. Journal of Materials Science 46 (14): 4832-17.

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Asta, M., and J. J. Hoyt. 2000. Thermodynamic properties of coherent interfaces in f.c.c.-based Ag–Al alloys: A first-principles study. Acta Materialia 48 (5): 1089-7.

Aubauer, H. P. 1978. Generalised coarsening theory in binary alloys. Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 8 (3): 378.

Baram, M., D. Chatain, and W. D. Kaplan. 2011-04-07. Nanometer-thick equilibrium films: The interface between thermodynamics and atomistics. Science 322 (6026): 206-209.

Barczak, V. J., and R. H. Insley. 1962. Phase equilibria in the system al2O3— SnO2. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 45 (3): 144.

Behera, S. K. Atomic structural features of dopant segregated grain boundary complexions in alumina by EXAFS. PhD., Lehigh University, 2010.

Beladi, H., and G. S. Rohrer. 2013. The relative grain boundary area and energy distributions in a ferritic steel determined from three-dimensional electron backscatter diffraction maps. Acta Materialia 61 (4): 1404,1404-1412.

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Benatov, L., and J. S. Wettlaufer. 2004. Abrupt grain boundary melting in ice. Physical Review E 70 (6): 061606-7.

Bishop, C. M., M. Tang, R. M. Cannon, and W. C. Carter. 2006. Continuum modelling and representations of interfaces and their transitions in materials. Materials Science and Engineering A 422 : 102-114.

Bojarski, S. A., S. Ma, W. Lenthe, M. P. Harmer, and G. S. Rohrer. 2012. Changes in the grain boundary character and energy distributions resulting from a complexion transition in ca-doped yttria.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43A : 3532-3538.

Bollmann, T. R. J., R. van Gastel, H. J. W. Zandvliet, and B. Poelsema. 2011. Quantum size effect driven structure modifications of bi films on NI(111). Phys Rev Lett 107 (176102).

Booth-Morrison, C., Y. Zhou, R. D. Noebe, and D. N. Seidman. 2010. On the nanometer scale phase separation of a low-supersaturation Ni–Al–Cr alloy. Philosophical Magazine 90 (1-4): 219-16.

Brailsford, A. D., and P. Wynblatt. 1979. The dependence of ostwald ripening kinetics on particle volume fraction. Acta Metallurgica 27 (3): 489-8.

Bruley, J., J. Cho, H. M. Chan, M. P. Harmer, and J. M. Rickman. 1999. Scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis of grain boundaries in creep-resistant yttrium- and lanthanum-doped alumina microstructures. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 82 (10): 2865,2865-2870.

Cahill, D., and R. Pohl. 1987. Thermal conductivity of amorphous solids above the plateau. Physical Review B 35 (8): 4067-7.

Cahn, J. W. 1977. Critical point wetting. Journal of Chemical Physics 66 (8): 3667-6.

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Cahn, J. W., and J. E. Hilliard. 1958. Free energy of a nonuniform system. I. interfacial free energy. Journal of Chemical Physics 28 (2): 258-10.

Cannon, R. M., M. Rühle, M. J. Hoffmann, R. H. French, H. Gu, A. P. Tomsia, and E. Saiz. 2000. Adsorption and wetting mechanisms at ceramic grain boundaries. Ceramic Transactions 118 : 427-17.

Cantwell, P., M. Tang, S. J. Dillon, J. Luo, G. S. Rohrer, and M. P. Harmer. 2014. Grain boundary complexions. Acta Materialia 62 : 1-46.

Cao, A. 2012. Molecular dynamics simulation study on heat transport in monolayer graphene sheet with various geometries. Journal of Applied Physics 111 (8): 083528-9.

Cao, A., and J. Qu. 2012. Kapitza conductance of symmetric tilt grain boundaries in graphene. Journal of Applied Physics 111 (5): 053529-9.

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Cao, A., J. Yang, L. Yang, M. Wei, B. Feng, D. Han, L. Fan, B. Wang, and H. Fu. 2012. The effects of doping and shell thickness on the optical and magnetic properties of Mn/Cu/Fe-doped and co-doped ZnS nanowires/ZnO quantum dots/SiO2 heterostructures. Journal of Applied Physics 112 (1): 014316-8.

Carter, W. C., M. Baram, M. Drozdov, and W. D. Kaplan. 2010. Four questions about triple lines. Scripta Materialia 62 (12): 894-4.

Chang, L. S., and K. B. Huang. 2004. Temperature dependence of the grain boundary segregation of bi in ni polycrystals. Scripta Materialia 51 (6): 551,551-555.

Chang, L. S., E. Rabkin, S. Hofmann, and W. Gust. 1999. Kinetic aspects of the grain boundary segregation in cu(bi) alloys. Acta Materialia 47 (10): 2951,2951-2959.

Chang, L. S., E. Rabkin, B. B. Straumal, B. Baretzky, and W. Gust. 1999. Thermodynamic aspects of the grain boundary segregation in cu(bi) alloys. Acta Materialia 47 (15-16): 4041,4041-4046.

Chen, H. P., R. K. Kalia, E. Kaxiras, G. Lu, A. Nakano, K. Nomura, A. C. T. van Duin, P. Vashishta, and Z. Yuan. 2010. Embrittlement of metal by solute segregation-induced amorphization. Physical Review Letters 104 : 55502-1,55502-4.

Chen, Y., Y. C. Lin, C. W. Huang, C. W. Wang, L. J. Chen, W. W. Wu, and Y. Huang. 2012. Kinetic competition model and size-dependent phase selection in 1-D nanostructures. Nano Letters 12 (6): 3115-5.

Cho, J., and A. J. Ardell. 1998. Coarsening of Ni3Si precipitates at volume fractions from 0.03 to 0.30. Acta Materialia 46 (16): 5907-9.

Chookajorn, T., H. A. Murdoch, and C. A. Schuh. 2012. Design of stable nanocrystalline alloys. Science 337 (6097): 951,951-954.

Clarke, D. R. 1987. On the equilibrium thickness of intergranular glass phases in ceramic materials. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 70 (1): 15-22.

Dash, J. G., A. W. Rempel, and J. S. Wettlaufer. 2006. The physics of premelted ice and its geophysical consequences. Reviews in Modern Physics 78 (3): 695-47.

Davies, C. K. L., P. Nash, and R. N. Stevens. 1980. The effect of volume fraction of precipitate on ostwald ripening. Acta Metallurgica 28 (2): 179-10.

DeHoff, R. T. 1991. A geometrically general theory of diffusion controlled coarsening. Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia 39 (10): 2349-11.

Diemer, M., A. Neubrand, K. P. Trumble, and J. Rödel. 1999. Influence of oxygen partial pressure and oxygen content on the wettability in the Copper–Oxygen–Alumina system. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 82 (10): 2825,2825-2832.

Dillon, S. J., M. P. Harmer, and G. S. Rohrer. 2010. Influence of interface energies on solute partitioning mechanisms in doped aluminas. Acta Materialia 58 : 5097-5108.

———. 2010. The relative energies of normally and abnormally growing grain boundaries in alumina displaying different complexions. Journal of American Ceramic Society 93 (6): 1796-6.

Dillon, S. J., M. Tang, W. C. Carter, and M. P. Harmer. 2007. Complexion: A new concept for kinetic engineering in materials science. Acta Materialia 55 (18) (10): 6208-18.

Divinski, S., M. Lohmann, C. Herzig, B. Straumal, B. Baretzky, and W. Gust. 2005. Grain-boundary melting phase transition in the cu-bi system. Physical Review B 71 (10): 104104,104104-104112.

Duscher, G., M. F. Chisholm, U. Alber, and M. Rühle. 2004. Bismuth-induced embrittlement of copper grain boundaries. 3rd ed. Published online: 22 August 2004: Nature Materials.

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Enomoto, Y., M. Tokuyama, and K. Kawazaki. 1986. Finite volume fraction effects on ostwald ripening. Acta Metallurgica 34 (11): 2119-9.

Espie, L., B. Drevet, and N. Eustathopoulos. 1994. Experimental study of the influence of interfacial energies and reactivity on wetting in metal-oxide systems. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 25 (3) (MAR): 599-605.

Fang, Z. Z., X. Wang, T. Ryu, K. S. Hwang, and H. Y. Sohn. 2009. Synthesis, sintering, and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline cemented tungsten carbide – A review. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 27 (2) (3): 288-99.

Fontanesi, C. 2010. Entropy variation in the two-dimensional phase transition of anthracene adsorbed at the hg Electrode/Ethylene glycol solution interface. Entropy 12 (3): 570,570-577.

French, J. D., J. Zhao, M. P. Harmer, H. M. Chan, and G. A. Miller. 1994. Creep of duplex microstructures. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 77 (11): 2857,2857-2865.

Frolov, T., S. V. Divinski, M. Asta, and Y. Mishin. 2013. Effect of interface phase transformations on diffusion and segregation in high-angle grain boundaries. Arxiv:1304.0276 1 : 1-12.

Frolov, T., D. L. Olmsted, M. Asta, and Y. Mishin. 2013. Structural phase transformations in metallic grain boundaries. Nature Communications v1 : 1-25.

Galmarini, S., U. Aschauer, A. Tewari, Y. Aman, C. Van Gestel, and P. Bowen. 2011. Atomistic modeling of dopant segregation in α-alumina ceramics: Coverage dependent energy of segregation and nominal dopant solubility. Journal of European Ceramic Society 31 (15): 2839-13.

Gao, M. C., A. D. Rollett, and M. Widom. 2007. Lattice stability of aluminum-rare earth binary systems: A first-principles approach. Physical Review B 75 (17): 174120-16.

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Gremillard, L., E. Saiz, V. R. Radmilovic, and A. P. Tomsia. 2006. Role of titanium on the reactive spreading of lead-free solders on alumina. Journal of Materials Research 21 (doi:10.1557/jmr.2006.0393): pp 3222-3233.

Gupta, V. K., D. H. Yoon, H. M. Meyer, and J. Luo. 2007. Thin intergranular films and solid-state activated sintering in nickel-doped tungsten. Acta Materialia 55 (9): 3131,3131-3142.

Hansen-Goos, H., and J. S. Wettlaufer. 2010, March. Theory of ice premelting in porous media Physical Review E 81 (3): 031604, 13 pages.

Harley, G., R. Yu, and L. C. De Jonghe. 2007. Proton transport paths in lanthanum phosphate electrolytes. Solid State Ionics 178 (11-12): 769-73.

Harmer, M. P. 2011. The phase behavior of interfaces. Science 332 (6026) (April 08): 182-3.

Harmer, M. 2010. Interfacial kinetic engineering: How far have we come since kingery's inaugural sosman address? Journal of the American Ceramic Society 93 (2): 301-17.

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Kang, J., Glatzmaier, G. C. & Wei, Su-Huai. 2013. Origin of the bismuth-induced decohesion of nickel and copper grain boundaries. Physical Review Letters PRL 111 (055502): 055502-1 - 055502-5.

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Kayyar, A., H. Qian, and J. Luo. 2009. Surface adsorption and disordering in LiFePO4 based battery cathodes. Applied Physics Letters 95 : 221905.

Kim, D. M., and A. J. Ardell. 2004. Coarsening behavior of Ni3Ga precipitates in ni-ga alloys: Dependence of microstructure and kinetics on volume fraction. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 35 (10): 3063-6.

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Kolobov, Y. R., A. G. Lipnitskii, I. V. Nelasov, and G. P. Grabovetskaya. 2008. Investigations and computer simulations of the intergrain diffusion in submicro-and nanocrystalline metals  . Russian Physics Journal 51 (4): 385,385-399.

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