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Simplified Directions for Uploading Research Updates

Submitted by ajw1 on Tue, 2011-09-27 22:53

To upload your research updates or meeting presentations, please follow the directions below:

1) CHANGE REQUESTED BY ONR, please save your file as a .ppt or.pptx file (must be 50MB or less).
2) Log in to MURI site and click on “Research Updates" (on right).
3) Locate and click on your university page.
4) Click on Edit tab (above).
5) Choose “File attachments" (below).
6) Select to "Choose file" and browse to locate your file.  
7) Select "Attach."
8) “Save” at bottom of page.

Please email if you have any problems.

If you have not ever logged on to the site, or have not visited in awhile, your password may have expired. You may change it by going to this website: and using your log in account as username. Your password must be updated every six months. Please email if you don't know your old password.